DD is 15 mo. Our pediatrician didn't recommend paci use, so I haven't insisted her to take one. She discovered her fingers when she was 3 mo or so. She started to suck her thumb when she was 5 mo to settle down for sleep. I don't remember exactly when, but she started to suck her thumb during the day when she is excited, stressed, bored, doesn't want to eat, etc.
Where I live, almost all babies have a paci, so thumb sucking is not a common behaviour. When someone sees DD sucking her thumb, the first reaction is "oh, she is sucking her thumb
she will not quit it until 15". DD started going to daycare 3 weeks ago. Her nurse at daycare is one of those thinking thumb sucking is very bad. She gave DD a paci today, when she put her down for sleep. Surprisingly she took it ( I tried several times before, she refused).
She doesn't suck her thumb for very long times, generally I can distract her with toys during the day. And at naps and at night, she suck it only until asleep. Then the thumb is out. If she gets disturbed during her sleep, she'll suck it for a few minutes, then stop. However, I sometimes worry that she will not quit thumb sucking until 15. Her thumb gets irritated as she has teeth now. The skin is peeling sometimes and she is getting a corn on it.
So do you think that it is a good idea to give a paci for quitting thumb sucking (because it is easier to give the paci up)? Did any of you try something like this? Any ideas will be great, I am so confused about this.