Author Topic: Paci to quit thumb sucking ?  (Read 800 times)

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Offline meri anne

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Paci to quit thumb sucking ?
« on: June 18, 2008, 19:49:27 pm »
DD is 15 mo. Our pediatrician didn't recommend paci use, so I haven't insisted her to take one. She discovered her fingers when she was 3 mo or so. She started to suck her thumb when she was 5 mo to settle down for sleep. I don't remember exactly when, but she started to suck her thumb during the day when she is excited, stressed, bored, doesn't want to eat, etc.
Where I live, almost all babies have a paci, so thumb sucking is not a common behaviour. When someone sees DD sucking her thumb, the first reaction is "oh, she is sucking her thumb  :o she will not quit it until 15". DD started going to daycare 3 weeks ago. Her nurse at daycare is one of those thinking thumb sucking is very bad. She gave DD a paci today, when she put her down for sleep. Surprisingly she took it ( I tried several times before, she refused).
She doesn't suck her thumb for very long times, generally I can distract her with toys during the day. And at naps and at night, she suck it only until asleep. Then the thumb is out. If she gets disturbed during her sleep, she'll suck it for a few minutes, then stop. However, I sometimes worry that she will not quit thumb sucking until 15. Her thumb gets irritated as she has teeth now. The skin is peeling sometimes and she is getting a corn on it.
So do you think that it is a good idea to give a paci for quitting thumb sucking (because it is easier to give the paci up)? Did any of you try something like this? Any ideas will be great, I am so confused about this.
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Offline ammie32

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Re: Paci to quit thumb sucking ?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2008, 19:55:44 pm »
Hi Meri Anne!   

I have one of each here...

DS#1 is a thumbsucker since about 3 months and is now 3 yrs and still sucking his thumb.  But let me say that he is the BEST sleeper that there ever was!!!  No night wakings and was always a long napper for being able to self soothe with his thumb!

DS#2 took to the paci and has since been weaned for paci addiction and terrible napping. 

I would only change to the paci if it's what YOU want to do and I would also say that if the daycare is doing something that you don't want you have to say it.  Paci addiction is no picnic.  And there are worse things in life than thumbsucking!!!

How is DD for sleeping?  That's what I would base your decision on! 
Ammie... Mommy to Owen age 7, Brayden age 5 and Jameson age 5 months

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Re: Paci to quit thumb sucking ?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2008, 20:06:13 pm »
I think paci is not so great idea at 15 months. I personally see no point, so what no other babies suck thumb? If you are really concerned, maybe if you put a bandage or something on the thumb she wont want it?

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Re: Paci to quit thumb sucking ?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2008, 20:34:30 pm »
I wouldn't give a paci, seems like replacing one with another.  DD is a thumb sucker and so was I and I sucked till early teens and it didn't do me any harm.  DD has the thumb iritation but so did I and now there's nothing to see on my thumb.  When we went to the USA we had so many comments about DD thumb sucking and eventually I asked someone what the obsession was and they said it holds back language - that surprised me because it's the paci that tends to do that because the thumb can easily come and go where as the paci is less "attached".  anyway, if you want to stop thumb sucking then you could bandage but you are likely to encounter problems with sleeping whilst you're going through it.  and could you not just speak to the nursery nurse and explain that you're not worried?  good luck
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Offline meri anne

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Re: Paci to quit thumb sucking ?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2008, 06:31:13 am »
ammie32, afka and ammuk74, thank you all for your comments.
The problem is that I don't want DD to stop sucking (thumb or paci) until her sucking need is satisfied. She has no security object or lovey, I want her to have something to calm her down. That's why I don't put a bandage yet. I don't want to push her, I read that it is best to wait until she wants to quit (but I fear that it will take forever). It is said that the behaviour continues more if you force the kid to stop.
I have two worries about thumb sucking. The first is that it could ruin her teeth and thumb. The second is she gets all the germs on toys, floors, etc directly into her mouth.
Other than that, she is a good sleeper, we experience some NW for 2 weeks now but she was sick, started daycare and  teething so I think that's normal. Sometimes I just don't care what others say because I am happy that DD can self sooth. But sometimes I panic when I hear stories of deformed thumbs, teeth, preschoolers that want to suck their thumb but are ashamed so they hide to do it, etc.
It is no problem to tell the nurse not to give her a paci. I just wanted to know if it could help her stop thumb sucking and that maybe it would be easier to wean. In any case, she is using the paci more to bite and sooth her teeth, and when put down to sleep, she drops it and sucks her thumb. I guess it is not only my decision that will count :)
Thanks again for your comments, they made me feel better.
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Re: Paci to quit thumb sucking ?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2008, 08:17:11 am »
Well thumb or paci sucking starts to ruin teeth I think around age 5 , if I remember correctly.
As far as germs, does she ever put toys in her mouth? Its the same then, you really cannot prevent that.

I think you are in fine point and when you dont mind thumb sucking, then why to fix something that is not broke?