Big {{{HUGS}}} Mel. I've blocked out the big bed transition.. it totally blew my perfect sleeper away

.....for a little while

. But I've gone throught my old posts and will tell you what worked for us.
From the start we got a gate. It was actually for her sister because Isabella's favourite thing to do is to wake Jasmine up in the morning as soon as she's awake... so the gate was suppose to block her from going into her sister's room. But my dear Isabella insisted that I put the gate on her door instead.. so it worked out really well in that sence. So if a gate is something you are comfortabel with, I don't see any harm in it. Personally I wouldn't go any more than that (locking doors for example), because I don't want my dd locked in her room. Locking doors works for some,... but it was a personal choice because I know as a baby/child, I hated nothing more than having my door closed and I always needed to have it adjar so that I could see/hear my parents and not be scared, lol.
The gate was enough to stop her from coming out of her room.. but it still didn't solve the bedtime battles. So we would do our bedtime routine, tuck her in and leave (door open and gate closed). She would jump up as soon as we'd leave and come to the gate. Then she would either stand there and call out for me (which I ignored) or she'd start off calling and then it would turn into a cry (99.9% this is what she'd do). In this case, I would go back to her, tuck her in again and then leave. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Eventually she would come out of her bed... stand at the gate... call a few times and then fall asleep by the gate (on an average about 1.5-2hrs from the time we had initally put her to bed!!!).
If she was distressed (which happened alot because as time would go by, she would get more and more overtired and she would just not be able to settle on her own with a simple tuck in)... so in this case I would stay with her by her bed... gently stroke her hair or hold her hand and when she would calm down, I would tell her I love her very much and that I'll see her in the morning. This worked really well and she'd go to sleep almost straight away (still 1.5-2hrs from the time we had initally put her to bed).
Mel.... this went on for a whole MONTH!!! I don't want to scare you.. but it really did and for about 2-3 weeks she spent sleeping on the floor by her gate rather than staying in her bed and I was transfering her into her bed once she'd fall asleep. We had some serious early wake ups as well because bedtime was sooo late and by this stage she had dropped naps so she was a total mess all day long (poor thing was exhausted).
I think the trick is to stay consistent in whatever method you decide to use for a while. They see all the chinks in your armour.....Also, if you change it up all the time, they don't know what the consequence is and will continuously try and get out of their rooms. (I'm very guilty of this myself!)
Mel, this is SO true!!! At the start I was doing all sorts of things (yelling being one of them

)... but about 4 days into the transition, I realised that the poor girl is confused and she's getting my attention (be it negative) ... so I was just saying the same thing over and over again (good night Bella, time to go to sleep)... and then leave.
I never made a big deal out of her being out of her bed. In fact I gave her TOTAL control of what she wanted to do in her room and that solved the battle of taking her back to bed as soon as she was out. THis is why I like the idea of a gate... she could walk around her room... look through books... and when she'd get tired she would go to sleep.
A few months later... she decided she doesn't like the gate closed. So now the gate is still there but we have a compromise and that is the gate will be left open as long as she stays in her room. She knows that if she comes out of her room, the gate will be closed. Whether the door is open or closed is also up to her. I ask her before I leave her room if she wants the door open or not and she tells me.
Its very tough so hang in there. I was separated from my DH at the time so was doing most of this stuff on my own. It was very hard... for those 2hrs of trying to settle Isabella, poor Jasmine used to watch baby einstein videos

Let me know how things are going