Author Topic: scarred to stop  (Read 839 times)

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scarred to stop
« on: June 09, 2008, 18:36:17 pm »
Ok here's the situation..I've been pumping full time for 2m now as DS had major latch issues (stumped 2 LCs).  Just before switching to pumping, my supply was decreasing but with a new high quality pump and some hard work, I managed to get my supply up so that I now produce about 3-5oz more per day than DS eats (which gets frozen and stored).  I pump every 2-4hrs round the clock.  At night I pump at 9:30 before I go to bed then again around 12 and 3:30 when DS wakes to eat.  I will be going back to work in 2 weeks (OMG, that's so soon) and I don't think I'll be able to get up twice a night to pump.  DH is taking paternity leave and will be taking over the night feedings.  The 2 night pumps are usually my most prolific pumps-it's a cruel trick of nature to make prolactin peak in the wee hours-and I'm concerned that if I sleep through the night I might not pump enough milk for DS (especially as he's showing no signs of being ready to give up either night feeding).  Also, with going back to work, I may not be able to pump as often as I might like which is also stressing me out. 

So I'm scarred to stop the night pumpings but I know I'll need to sleep to function during the day!

Any other full time pumpers out there?  If so, how did you deal with sleeping through the night and/or work and your milk supply? 
Any advice would be helpful.

Offline flutie

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Re: scarred to stop
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 15:41:54 pm »
I pump full time and have not pumped at night for a few months!!  I am able to produce enough milk for ds in 4 daily pumps.  When I do notice a decrease, I pump again at night..and take fenugreek and my supply usually increases again within a couple of days. HTH
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Re: scarred to stop
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 16:26:47 pm »
Wow!  Y'all are an inspiration!  I do pump while I'm at work (down to 2x), but I can't imagine doing it full time.  What amazing dedication you have to do that for your lo's!  :D  :-*

{{Hugs}} Shark, as you go back to work.  That's always a hard transition.  Try not to stress.  I'm sure you're well aware that does nothing to help you pump.  ::)  I also know that's hard to stop.

Fenugreek and mother's milk tea both have helped up my supply at various times.  Sounds like Flutie's plan to temporarily pump again at night when you need more is a good one.


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Re: scarred to stop
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 20:50:40 pm »
Thanks for the reassurance Flutie.  Just to get an idea, how much do you get per pump and how much does your lo eat?

Offline flutie

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Re: scarred to stop
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2008, 21:07:34 pm »
Elijah has 3 bottles right now and has 240-260ml at each feed.  I pump more milk in the morning (usually about 300ml)  The other 3 times, I usually am able to pump around 180 ml.  I do notice a big difference if I dont eat or drink enough during the day.  Good luck with the pumping!!!
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Offline shark

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Re: scarred to stop
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 20:27:34 pm »
Ok, so I've been back at work for 1 week and I've already noticed a drop in my supply.  I try to pump every 4hrs during the day, nut it often ends up being closer to every 5hrs.  I'm still getting up once a night to pump.  I've noticed that all my pumping volumes have decreased and I'm not having the discreet let-downs I was having before.  It kind of just flows at a steady rate and I have to pump for 20min or more to empty my breasts.  What's going on here?  Aside from pumping more, does anyone have any suggestions?