Hi, my DS2 is getting a combo of breast and bottle (issues with bad latch and cracked bleeding nipples meant I had to cut back the number of breastfeeds to let them heal and toughen up a bit). So he gets 8 feeds in 24hrs on a 3hr easy:
7am breastfeed - feels like I have heaps of milk
10ish - 4oz formula
1ish - breastfeed and about 2oz topup formula
4ish - 4oz formula
6pm (1st cluster) - 4oz formula
8pm (2nd cluster) bedtime - breastfeed with 2oz topup formula
(not dreamfeeding until he goes longer at night)
midnight-1am - 4oz formula
3-4amish - 4oz formula
So he's probably getting a total of about 32oz of milk every 24hrs
My problem is that I don't know when he's had enough formula - he'll suck every bottle dry. He's a very sucky baby anyway - I haven't offered him a 5oz bottle cos I don't know if he'd stop drinking - he just loves to suck! And he's on a 1month old Avent bottle teat so it's not like it flows very slow. Breastfeeds are a bit the same - he'll keep on sucking (except perhaps the breakfast feed) until he falls asleep (and will look for the nipple again if i wake him) or I can't hear him swallowing much anymore and I take him off. He was 9lb7 when born, now just shy of 11lb.
Should I try and offer him a 5oz bottle?? How do I know when he's had enough, he doesn't seem to squirm either...??