Author Topic: introducing formula and solids, is it too much?  (Read 1341 times)

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introducing formula and solids, is it too much?
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:27:06 am »

I'm thinking about introducing solids soon. My LO is 5 months and has been having sleeping problems the last 2wks. I also think that she may be going through a GS as eating every 2 hours and at night for the last 3/4 days. I'd like to introduce solids soon but as she's 100% bf wanted to intoduce 1 formula a day 1st as I would like to stop bfing in a month or so. She has had the odd bottle with formula every now and then but now she refuses. any suggestions, should i make sure she's comfortable with formula before introducing solids?

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Re: introducing formula and solids, is it too much?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 21:21:50 pm »

As a general rule, babies cope better when you introduce one new thing at a time, so I would suggest that you do either the introduction of formula first and then solid foods once that's established, or the other way around.

It would be best for you to check out the FAQ and Stickies in the breast and/or bottlefeeding forums for info on how to make the switch - my dd2 never managed it, when I went back to work I had to express for 6 months twice a day to provide her daytime milk feeds, she just refused formula completely! but other parents have had less stroppy children ;D!

There is no rush to introduce solid foods, it is unlikely that any starter food you introduce will have a positive impact on a growth spurt as they have little nutritional value compared to milk, and the risk is that you replace milk with solid food and your lo ends up hungrier :o

Check out the FAQs on this forum for more info on how to introduce solid food within the BW philosophy, and you might be interested in the baby-led weaning approach as your lo is exclusively breastfed :)



Alison x