This was/is my son to a "T". Now that he's 2.5 yo, it's easier to see that visual cues are very important to him. I now realize too that this is why he would never sleep in the car or stroller: too much to look at!
We've been very strict about limiting light in his room -- that made a huge difference in his quality of sleep, particularly in eliminating EWs. Also, not too many toys in his room either -- the mobile wound him up, didn't wind him down. We left the mobile up for a while, though, because he did like it and we kept the room dark enough that once we put him in his crib it was pretty hard to see!
These type of children are really fun as they get older. I find my son is a treat to take places because he's so busy watching things he forgets to act up! At home, he's a crazy monkey but at restaurants he's sweet as pie because he can't get enough of watching all the people!
Sounds like your instincts are A+++!