I have twin girls that are 4 and 1/2 months old. I have only just begun to really get educated on the EASY system and I love the plan. We've kind of been on a similar type "schedule" for about 2 weeks. I've been feeding them shortly after waking, then we have a little play time then they are down for a nap 2 hours after they woke. My problem is that the morning nap typically goes from 9 a.m. until 11:00. So, nap #2 would start at 1:00. The problem is that one of them always wakes from this nap after less than an hour and are then they are UP. There is no going back to sleep either once they are up. I usually let them cry/fuss for 15 minutes and go in when it turns into a full on cry and I know they are not going back to sleep. So, since they are up at 2, I try another nap at 4. They NEVER will go to sleep at that nap... never! So, they'll be up from 2 until 7 when they go to sleep for the night. They sleep from 7:15 ish until 4 or 5 a.m. Then they go back down until 6:30 or 7 ish. Could they possibly need more awake time in between nap #1 and nap # 2? Or should I keep trying with the #3 nap and hope that they eventually take a short one. I just think that 5 hours of awake time is a lot for them and they get cranky at about 5:30.