On advice of pead and health visitors we have had to speed up the weaning process as DD2 below 0.4th centile in weight and terribly unsettled, waking up to 4 times a night to breast feed. I have been adviced to give three solid meals a day but to skip veg and fruit and go straight to meat and starchy foods. And so I have been doing that now for 4 days. And the results? Still waking up throughout the night, terrible explosive poos, severe irritability (her AND me!) and my milk production has dipped really low. I cant get a let down anymore at night, pumping gives me nothing and my poor LO cries at the breast. How on earth do I recover this? I was hoping my supply would settle down in line with the solids but I realise that we have had to wean really fast and maybe my milk production could not take it? I am really stressed, going back to work on friday and want to curl up and cry!!! Any ideas? Quick!!!