Author Topic: Too much solids, now struggling to breast feed HELP!!!  (Read 734 times)

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Too much solids, now struggling to breast feed HELP!!!
« on: August 17, 2008, 09:27:39 am »

On advice of pead and health visitors we have had to speed up the weaning process as DD2 below 0.4th centile in weight and terribly unsettled, waking up to 4 times a night to breast feed. I have been adviced to give three solid meals a day but to skip veg and fruit and go straight to meat and starchy foods. And so I have been doing that now for 4 days. And the results? Still waking up throughout the night, terrible explosive poos, severe irritability (her AND me!) and my milk production has dipped really low. I cant get a let down anymore at night, pumping gives me nothing and my poor LO cries at the breast. How on earth do I recover this? I was hoping my supply would settle down in line with the solids but I realise that we have had to wean really fast and maybe my milk production could not take it? I am really stressed, going back to work on friday and want to curl up and cry!!! Any ideas? Quick!!!


Offline lisi's mum

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Re: Too much solids, now struggling to breast feed HELP!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 11:28:13 am »
Marianne, this is often a problem with solids. What you want to do now is feed and lots and often, and pump. Can you take a few days of a bf holiday? Stay snuggled with your lo, lots of skin on skin time, letting her feed to sleep, everything you can think of to get her to feed or even just suckle as much as possible. Pumping when you're not feeding. LOTS and I mean lots of water (EllenS said she had to drink 5 litres a day at times) fenugreek (you want to smell like maple syrup after a couple days - 3x3 capsules should do it) the same amount of blessed thistle.

Can I point you to the FAQ on slow weight gain where you'll find more information.

I'd be very cautious about the advice from your ped and hv, it does go against the WHO recommendations. If you really want to up her weight I'd invest in a SNS from Medela which is a little gadget which supplements formula at the same time as bf-ing and stimulating your nipples. Very easy to use and the most likely way to see you going back to bf-ing rather than letting it wind down. Kittysmum just was using it with great success. I haven't seen her around for a while but she'd be worth pm-ing if you had any questions.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} these things always come up at what feels like the worst possible moment. You will get through it!

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Re: Too much solids, now struggling to breast feed HELP!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2008, 21:32:22 pm »
More {{hugs}} Marianne!  Just posted on your other thread.  Katie has given great info here.  Completely forgot about the SNS thing.  ::)  :-[ 

Offline lisi's mum

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Re: Too much solids, now struggling to breast feed HELP!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2008, 16:21:07 pm »
and I completely forgot to add that speaking to somebody in real life would help you make a master plan - a trained bf councellor or one of the helplines. will tell you how to find somebody in your area.