I am in desperate need of some help/reassurance. My dd is ebf and at 7 weeks old quite happily took a bottle of ebm every night from oh. Then suddenly she stopped. Only problem is it was on the one night in a year that i went out! My poor oh had an rough time til i got home as she refused the bottle full stop. She definitely made up for it when i got home. The thing is, I am due to go out again next weekend and have started to try her with a bottle. Four days ago she screamed blue murder every time i went near her with the bottle. Same with my oh. So i've been bf and letting her handle the bottle during the day. Last night I tried to bf her with a nipple shield on (suggested by a friend who it worked for) and she went ballistic. I fed her this morning at 5am and she then held out til 12.30 when i bf with the shield. A little grumbling but she took a feed. Tried her again with a bottle 10mins ago as she's not had a great deal and i know she's hungry but she refused. I tasted my milk and it's gross. Tastes a bit soapy actually so I've been and bought some formula. I mixed 2ozs ebm to one scoop of formula and while she didn't drink it she didn't get too cross. She played with the teat, lolled it in her mouth and let the milk dribble out.
So, do I hold out and wait for her to take a bottle? Or do i give in and feed her? My reasons for the bottle is so i can go out and have some time with my other dd who is feeling a bit left out now. Also, if she does take the bottle when will i be able to bf her again? My breasts are huge and even though i'm pumping they are feeling sore. And is my mixing formula with ebm in this way right or do i need to mix the powder with water then add that to the ebm?
Just read that back and it's long sorry but i'm at my wits end with her crying.
Thanks in advance