Thanks heaps everyone for your suggestions. I might give the later nap a try...i have always been so dedicated to putting dd straight down when she is tired and making sure her A time isn't too long so that she gets overtired, but maybe i'm reading too much into each little yawn and jumping the gun.
its interesting that when she was unwell recently with ear infections etc, she was tired that (from lots of NWs with it) and so didn't fight naps at all. it was such bliss to be able to have her willingly lie down in her cot and go to sleep. She didn't necessarily have brilliantly long naps, but sore ears dont help that.
Its pretty much been since she's been well again that she has been resisting naps again. She had a couple of 12 hour nights before the days when she wouldn't go to people think that means she's too well slept for 5 hours morning A time??
One other question. I find that if she wakes at 7am, she often has a tired moment at about 9ish (yawns and looks sleepy eyed) then again maybe just before 11am... but then when I try to put her to sleep at 11:30 or 12 ish she seems to have gotten a second wind and be all super alert and playful again. Does this mean that she should be in bed earlier (say with the 10:30/11ish rubbing of eyes) or hold out till she runs out of that next alert time...whenever that may be?! i just think that putting her down that early wouldn't help as it wouldn't keep her going till bedtime, and a 2nd nap really is out of the question now, even a cat nap would interfere with bedtime - thats if she'd even have it.
Anyway, thanks again ladies for your help, look forward to hearing what you think!!!