Hi! You have already received great advice. Just a quick note, sounds like your lo is eating to soothe a bit to clear the throat. Our lo did that too, until he was on reflux meds. He was 24 lbs at 6 mo, so I get what you are saying about being big and windy! Wanted to eat every 1.5-3 hrs(tops) and that was causing super gas as well. We introduced solids VERY slow. He became super gassy with rice cereal, and oatmeal was better. Don't know if you have it where you live.
Likely uses the dummy to soothe his throat too. Ours would wake to use it/feed to soothe 8-14 times a night; each waking I would have to put it in the paci about 30 times. You do the math, ha ha. CRAZY. I felt terrible taking it away and the night feedings before we had the reflux under control. Didn't know it was the reflux, though, until he was weaned of them both and he was still up the same amt at night. He was on meds. I say all this to say that some of these interesting details (paci/nw/frequent eating) may be signs of the reflux not under control/causing discomfort. What do you think?