Hi All
Just wanted some advice, I used BW with my older 2 kids and it worked really well, I have been a bit too relaxed with No 3 as have had the kids off school and have been in France for 3 weeks so didn't really have much of any routine at all, he was doing more a ESA shedule and I am trying to turn it around to stop him napping on a full stomach. He is 12 weeks and is having the good old 45min naps, quite a few of them too!!! he only wants to feed every 4 hours (takes 7 ounces) have tried less more often but it just makes him sick (he has reflux and is on gaviscon for it) and he tends to not want his last bottle at 7pm he has just started sleeping from 7.30 till 6.30 which is great but means he has also dropped a night feed he is still gaining weight so I am not too worried.
So at the the moment his schedule is a lot of up and down and looks like this:
6.30 Wake time
E Around 7.00am
A Until 8.30
S 8.30 - 9.15 this is in the buggy as we are on school run and he wakes as soon as we get home
A 9.15 - 10-15 gets grumpy but will only take a couple of oz if I offer food
S 10.15 -11.00
E 11.00 takes full 7oz
A 11.30-12.45
S 12.45 -1.30
A 1.30 -2.30
E 2.30/2.45
S 3.00 -3.45 (again on school run in buggy)
A 3.45-5.00
S 5.00 -5.30 v grump until bed
A 5.30 -7.00 including bath
E 7.00 has 7-8oz
7.30 in bed
Any advice would be appreciated I really want to extend his lunchtime nap and cut out the 10.15 on but am not having much luck!!!