Author Topic: Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again  (Read 959 times)

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Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again
« on: September 22, 2008, 16:32:11 pm »
We just finished moving into a new home and my 14 month old is now nightwaking again.Its been a week and it started as 1-2 wakings and last night it was 5. I set his new room up exactly like it was in the other place,even hung pictures on the walls in the same places.At first i thought OT with the move and all but hes been napping really well now that we are here but hes still night waking.He does have reflux and is on meds and its been going great so i dont think its that.Just wondering if anyone else has had similar problems and what they tried to help ease the transition to a new home.


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Re: Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 18:09:40 pm »
Hello - I'm lurking, we move in 2 weeks.......

Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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Re: Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 18:16:09 pm »
Hi Christina,
Is there anything that could be wakening him at night? Outside noise? Inside noise? maybe heating coming on or off? Or a cistern gurgling? Any light shining through the window from an outside street light?
Are you doing your same wind down in the evening? And try to spend lots of time with him in his room so he becomes very familiar with it.
Has he been on his current schedule for a while? Do you think you may need to tweak it a bit? Oh and how about teething?
Sorry loads of questions and not much help

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Re: Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2008, 06:37:10 am »
Well its still little different than old house :)
So I would give him some more time to get used to this.

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Re: Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2008, 14:51:25 pm »
Efka - Yes i probably should give him more time.

Fiona - Not really sure what could be waking him.The noises outside are a lot less here.We used to be on a very busy street and here we are on a very quiet street so maybe its too quiet?Its not heat because we have radiators and they make no noise when they heat up and the street lights outside are about the same.We do exactly the same wind down routine but we havent tweaked his routine in a while so maybe thats it.He just had 2 teeth come through before the move and i dont see any signs yet of anymore so i dont think its teeth but who knows.

Offline ccg01

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Re: Moved to a new home and 14month old nightwaking again
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2008, 16:40:16 pm »
We moved several times starting when DS was about 16 mos old. It did seem like there was usually a rough patch that was worked out within about a week. If I remember correctly, I'd have to go in and do some very careful soothing him without picking him up (trying to avoid anything that could become accidental parenting! although sometimes I did wind up sleeping in the room for an hr or so, when I woke up I'd leave), gradual withdrawal and gradually it got to the point where I could just comfort him outside the door. Then the problem stopped! Good luck!

p.s. I think we may have also started talking up how nice his room was, where everything was, etc. at that time, trying to help him process where he was, etc.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 00:32:50 am by ccg01 »