transition times are really tough. we are going through the same thing right now (for the past 2 mo actually). when Los are gearing up to drop to 1 nap usually one of the naps becomes really short (like 20-30 min) and the other one is long. so this is common.
if she has to have 1 nap on the days at daycare then i would for sure do 2 naps the rest of the days at home. she may want them anyway as catch up sleep. if it means 2 long naps on the days at home or 1 long and 1 short at home, whatever she seems to want to do. but pushing her to 1 nap before she is ready (and 10 mo is very young for it) will cause Ot and likely NWs and EWs if you're not careful.
we have been having one or two nap days now for 2 months, i'm hoping she gets going with just 1 nap every day but every once in a while she wants 2.