Hi, I am mom to 2 boys, Finn nearly 4 years & Woody who will be 15 weeks tomorrow and has been on EASY since he was 1 week old. For the last 2 weeks he has been on a 4 hourly routine and the transition was pretty painless. I had managed not to feed him after the df until 7am, even if he woke up (I used PU/PD if required).
However for the last 5 nights ds has been waking more frequently in the night (usually after 3am) although at different times and can stay awake for up to 2 hours each time. The first night he did this I gave him a feed but I have been trying to resist this since as I don't want him to get used to this
. I have tried to increase his feed time during the day since to see if this helps and also feed from both breasts as well as using expressed milk on occasion. His routine generally is:
7am Feed (but recently 6.30am)
9am Down for nap- usually awake after 45 mins but with PU/PD will settle most of time.
11am Feed- 20-30 mins.
1pm Sleep- again awake after 45 mins- PU/PD
3pm Feed
Between 5-6pm Catnap usually for 30 mins.
6.15pm onwards bedtime routine- bath (sometimes feed before bath if unsettled), feed then bed by 8pm (usually before 7.30pm)
10.45pm Dream feed
Last 5 nights has woken. Last night for example he awoke just after 3am and was awake until 4.30am- fussing & mantra cry but not outright cry if that makes sense. I did not do PU/PD and just lay quietly to not disturb him further as he was not 'crying' and he settled by himself after 1.5 hours of fussing. Then he awoke at 6am and I put off feeding him until 6.30am when he started to cry.
He has been showing symptoms of teething for quite some time now- chomping on hand and dribbling ++ but does not seem to bothered by this in the day and although not quite broken through, I can see his bottom front teeth below the surface of his gum. So wondering if recent nw is because of teething or a growth spurt, or both? Should I be practising PU/PD when he wakes in night for long periods if he is not crying (I obviously would intervene if he was crying as I have never left him to cry it out) or should I just see it through? I am not sure if I am doing the right things and would be grateful for any top tips.
Thanks in advance!