There are a few things we're coping with now that I'm hoping to get advice on. Lo just turned 1 this week, but 11.25 adjusted age. Prior to 11 months we had terrible naps, and lots of nw's. Finally with some consistency we weaned the paci, did pu/pd, wi/wo and at 11 months she started to sleep 10-12 hr nights. At that time, I was giving 4 feeds a day, and started weaning. First, 3 bf, 1 midday bottle. Then, replaced midday bottle with snack and replaced mid-morning bf with bottle. Still giving formula, but just yesterday started offering cows milk in her sippy cup at lunch. Here is our routine:
7am - wake, bf
8am - cereal with fruit, from 5-10 tbsp depending on day
11-11:30 (usually after nap) - bottle
12-12:30 - lunch - cubes of banana, avocado, other soft finger foods, along with either homemade leftovers or jar food (veggie, meat, fruit, whatever she'll eat). Sometimes yogurt, cottage cheese, grated cheddar. Mum mum or biscuit.
3 ish - snack - fruit, mum mum or biscuits
5 ish - dinner - pretty much same as lunch, more picky here and doesn't eat as much
6:30 - bf and bed (early cuz naps are crap)
So here are my questions
1) Should I work on reversing solids/bottle?
2) Over how much time should I alter formula/cow milk amounts until she's fully on milk? Would she have milk as often as she would have bottles, or just in a sippy cup at meals and then offer as well through day?
3) She still has no teeth, but seems to really dislike most jar baby foods, and wants to eat everything with her fingers. But I don't give her pieces of meat for ex. Can she chew meat with her gums? I've tried tiny pieces of chicken when she tries what I have but it seems to stick to her tongue cuz she can't get it down. Other ideas?
Now the doozy. When she first started sleeping through the night, she did a full 12 hrs. The last few weeks, she has been waking anywhere from 4-6, crying hard. At first I gave her a half feed, then rest when she woke around 7am, but lately she still screams until I give her a full feed. My mom and sister both think she's waking from true hunger then, but although she has 3 meals a day and a milk feed just before bed, can this be the case? How can I fill her up more to get that extra hour or 2 in the am? I feed until she pushes away or starts spitting food out, and even then I offer a few more options before considering mealtime done. She loves dairy; would it be ok to give her more of that at dinner cuz I think she'd eat more, or might it bother her tummy? I suppose it should be ok considering that eventually she'll have a cows milk feed before bed?
Help appreciated!