My LO is only an infant still, but I followed the advice of my sister who has 3 children (who are now much older, but this is what she did when they were toddlers). What she always did was get an extra hour of naptime in during the day AFTER the time change (so on Sunday), either 2x 30 min naps or 1 hour. Then put them to bed at the same clock time as normal - and then they'd wake at the normal morning time.
We actually did this with my 3 month old as well - he was up at 6am (an hour early) on Sunday and we just extended 2 of his naps by an extra 30 minutes and put him to bed as normal at 7pm - he was pretty tired out from essentially staying up an hour later, but he woke the next morn at 7am as normal, and kept on fine from then.