Author Topic: Milk and Solids  (Read 1148 times)

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Offline *Amy*

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Milk and Solids
« on: October 08, 2008, 12:12:24 pm »
Hi, My lo is 7 months old and has started eating solids recently.
He is still taking 4 bottles a day and will generally take 6-7oz in each feed.
Sometimes he will eat the solids other times he won't, he is not always hungry for them.

Today at my mother and baby group I asked the nurse in attendence what to do and she said to give him a bottle in the morn and one at night and then milk in a sippy cup to be taken after the solids???

I was of the opinion that milk is the most important thing in the first year and that food is for fun!

Should I be starting to offer solids first and milk second, should I be dropping a bottle feed?

At the moment he has a fruit puree in the morn and then dinner at about 5pm with a yogurt or pear after.

Thank you

Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: Milk and Solids
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 13:19:01 pm »
I was of the opinion that milk is the most important thing in the first year and that food is for fun!

You are totally right! 4 bottles a day is perfectly normal for a 7mo, in fact some are still on 5.  It is recommended to go down to 3 feeds/day at about 10 months or give or take.

I'm not sure where you live - in some countries they rush solids more than others. I'm in the Netherlands, and here they are quick to get into solids and recommend doing 3 meals a day with the 2 bottles and sippy of milk that your nurse mentioned by 7-8 months. I did not listen to that advice, because really formula/breast milk really supply way more vitamins and rich nutrients at this age than solids do. The solids at 7 mo are to get your lo used to eating these foods.

As for the sippy, it is not a bad idea to offer a sippy during the day. But until he is adept at drinking out of the sippy, I would just fill it with water. It will be frustrating for you both if he wants his milk but can't get it because he can't really navigate the sippy, kwim?

Sounds like you are doing a good job and his meals sound fine too. At a certain point you can introduce more foods at lunch between bottles if you want such as strips of bread, rice cakes, veggies, etc.
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)

Offline *Amy*

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Re: Milk and Solids
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 17:46:00 pm »
Thank you very much - I am in Ireland and it depends on the age of the person you talk to I think. A young nurse would say milk is the most important thing, whereas an older nurse would be suggesting solids are the way forward! I guess it is the whole change of attitude. The nurse who I spoke to today was suggesting when my LO was 5 months to begin solids although he wasn't really showing too many of the signs to say that he was ready, so I ignored that advice and went with instinct.
I will keep with the bottles for now anyways, he is a big baby 22pounds and 71cm long.
Thanks for your advice

Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: Milk and Solids
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 20:32:22 pm »
it depends on the age of the person you talk to I think.


You are doing great - I think you will get the hint from him when he's ready for more solids and less milk. Good on you for following your instinct xxxxx
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)