Author Topic: Snacking (feeding 2 hourly)  (Read 849 times)

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Snacking (feeding 2 hourly)
« on: October 09, 2008, 23:00:23 pm »
My daughter is 3 1/2 months old.
I've just bought the baby whisperer book which suggests she should be currently feeding every 3 hours and if it's 2 hours, then she is snacking.
If I follow her hunger cues rather then the clock by following E.A.S.Y. she seems hungry every 2 hours.
She doesn't nap for longer then 45 minutes during the day too.
I would like to try extending her feeds to 3 hours by ensuring she gets more at each feed however after feeding her for the first 5-10 minutes, she starts pulling off, like she is in pain, then will suck 2-3 times, pull off, suck again (seemingly still hungry) then pull off. This continues for the remainder of the feed, which I try to keep going as long as possible, but it's tiring for both of us. Is this just wind? I've tried burping her, she burps, but it still continues. I lay her down and bicycle her legs for a bit, then try again, but it still happens. I think that for as long as this continues she will feed 2 hourly as I would assume she is not getting enough at each feed.
She is putting on weight well though. Was born 2.86kg and last week weighed 5.3kg so is following her weight growth chart properly.
Can anyone offer any insight?
Oh I should mention that I have a good yield and she only feeds off one breast at a feed to ensure she gets the fatty milk. When she is down I hand express 3 times and still get milk out so I know I am not empty.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 23:02:09 pm by k8y_01 »

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Re: Snacking (feeding 2 hourly)
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2008, 08:56:04 am »
Breast fed babies don't tick the boxes as far as feed times go.  A lot of new information has come to light on breast feeding since Tracy's passing and I'm sure she would have had different advice for breast feeding mothers if she were still with us.
As long as she is satisfied after a feed, and you're getting plenty of wet nappies, and she's gaining weight, she's getting enough food.

As for the pulling on and off, this could be a developmental thing - DD1 used to do this a LOT.  Have you ruled out reflux?  If not, I'd definitely check out the reflux FAQ just to be sure that there's not an element of this.

I did try extending Mae's feeds when she was feeding every 2hrs.  I managed to get her to 2.5hrs.  That was just a case of distracting her and after a few days, she adapted naturally.  I must point out though that if she'd really struggled with this, I wouldn't have pushed it!  She didn't get really upset during that 30 minute extension - if she had have done, I would have just fed her - I think it's really important to follow your baby's cues.

Also, it's really not uncommon for a baby to take a full feed in 5-10 minutes.  Mae went through a phase at about the 4-5 month mark of taking longer to feed but other than that two week period, she's never really taken longer than 5-6 minutes - not even as a newborn!


Offline mum101

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Re: Snacking (feeding 2 hourly)
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 10:19:16 am »
following DS's cues he fed 2 hourly in the day until 4 months until such time as he fussed a lot when I tried to feed him at that time interval. 
He then went to 3 hourly until last week where he tends to go 3 1/2 to 4 hourly. 

DS often pulls on and off when he's not really hungry. 

i don't think DS was snacking every 2 hours, personally, as he was having long gaps in feedings from an early age which to me would indicate he was getting plenty in the day.
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8