Big hugs coming my way too xxoo
They don't use sleep deprivation as a torture method for no reason
Ok, this is my take on your situation - there is AP involved, but don't worry about that for the moment. Your little guy is chronically OT, hence the NWs. I would aim to give him an early-ish lunch, say 11/11.30, and be in bed for his nap by 12 at the latest. You should find he'll go down easier if he's not REALLY tired. I can't stress enough that an early bedtime is the key to eliminating OT and all the associated "nasties" that accompany it, like NW and EW. I would even go so far as to say he could be going to bed a whole hour ealier.
In the same vein as bringing everything forward, I would give him an afternoon snack around 3-ish (I noticed in your last post that he went from 2.30 til 6.30 dinner without food - although you may have given him a snack in here, I don't know. It's just that toddlers need to snack/graze/eat pretty regularly to keep their energy levels up. You might find it helps push through the tiredness factor.
To give you an example, my DS2 is nearly 2 and this is his average daily routine (he's been on this routine basically since the 2-1 nap transition at 15 months):
7/7.30 - wake
8 - breakfast
10 - morning tea
11.30 - lunch
12 - nap
2/2.30 - wake
3/3.30 - snack
5.15 - dinner, then play
6.15 - bath
6.30 - stories + snack (fruit) + milk
6.50 - into room for more milk and cuddles, asleep by 7
As for the NWs, I would personally leave him for a little while to attempt to self-settle. If you rush to him too early, you may not be giving him the chance to learn to resettle without needing you for help, iykwim. They can be quite manipulative at this age and I think he may have his mum and dad worked out, iykwim
I know on daycare days when DS hasn't slept as long and is OT, he will call out/whinge/cry throughout the night, but I have learned to just let him be.
GL xo