Author Topic: 19mo low fever, cranky mood, long naps, NW's, EW's, not eating well, ?!?!?  (Read 1054 times)

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Offline chesterella

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My 19 mo LO used to be the greatest sleeper, always followed routine, and was constantly in good spirits and congenial. Now he's always cranky, throws tantrums hitting his face into the floor,  wakes alllllllll through the night crying, won't let me change his diaper or take his temperature and wakes up 2 hours earlier than he used to. I don't know what is going on....I know he has only 6 teeth, 4 on the top and two on the bottom, so he is a little behind with the teething development. He has had a low fever (btwn 100.3 and 102) for the past 3 days. Also,he is not eating as well as he used to or should be. Even though he is miserable during the night he always wakes happy so i can't tell if he is sick or not. This is his schedule:
7-8 wake
8 bottle
9 breakfast
12-1 nap til 3:30(i have to wake him)
6 dinner
7 bath
8-8:30 wind-down
8:30-9 bed

He hasn't slept well through the night for months but he naps very well almost every day. Any thoughts?

Offline Colin Macs Mom

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Is it possible he could have an ear infection? I would definitely talk with his doctor about the temperature. Can you see or feel any new teeth coming?

I'd also suggest bringing bedtime forward a little bit to at least 8pm so you have a 12 hour day and a 12 hour night.

Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Poor pumpkin! Sounds like teething to me.  All those symptoms sound like signs of teething.  Def. have him checked out by a doc, tho, as ear infections can have the same symptoms as teething.

NWs are a combination of OT (because teething wears them out!) and pain.  Are you medicating at wakings? I'd try a bit of Motrin and see if that doesn't help.  I'd also bring bedtime forward by at least 30 minutes and maybe more.  I've found that my son can do a longer A time in the morning than he can in the PM.  Right now you've got a longer A time in PM than in AM.  Try shortening that PM A time by 30-60 minutes, and see if that doesn't help.  Add in a little Motrin, and you might have a different kid! You might use some naturopathic meds like Hyland's Teething Tablets during the day to see if that doesn't mellow out the crankiness a bit.  Poor bub sounds like he's suffering something awful.  Best guess? It's those wicked eye teeth.  Those b***s are worse than the molars!  Hope he feels better soon!  :-*
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Offline chesterella

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Re: 19mo low fever, cranky mood, long naps, NW's, EW's, not eating well, ?!?!?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 21:20:41 pm »
hi again!!
well, i think it's his teeth as well....the doc said he was in perfect health. i have been giving him the homeopathic teething and sleeping tabs but i think he's building some sort of immunity to them cause they used to work but now they don't do much. the motrin and tylenol brought his fever down and he's been sleeping better. everything seems to be ironing out but i couldn't have done it without your help! thanks again!

Offline Colin Macs Mom

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Re: 19mo low fever, cranky mood, long naps, NW's, EW's, not eating well, ?!?!?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2008, 03:25:44 am »
Anytime hon!
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o