OK, Niklas and Addison are 20.5 months. Have been 12 + hour nighttime sleepers since about 4 months and we have worked through nap changes over time ..... when we went to one nap we struggled with nap length - it has really never been more than 1.5 - 1.75 hours, rarely 2 hours.
We've just recently moved and had a lot of transitioning (although their room is essentially the 'same'). I thought we had settled well as we had a whole week in the new place with good 12 hour nights, good settling, and 1.75 hour naps. But we have had 3 days in a row that went something like this:
7am wake up (normal time) but somewhat cranky
1pm down for nap, very normal wind down routine but play, fuss, and squeal until almost 2
2:20 wake from nap
6:30 bath
7pm bed but fuss and chatter for at least 30 minutes, maybe more
we once had a similar issue and we put a curtain between their cribs to discourage talking and it helped a bit, but this time this doesn't seem to make a difference.
Other milestones:
they have all their teeth but for 2 year old molars - no sign of those that i can see.
they have been walking/talking for ages - nothing particularly noteable the last few days
they had ear infections (a common thing for us) 2 weeks ago but everyone seems well right now
they have been a bit aggressive (pushing) but that seems to have come 'after' the bad sleeps so i attribute it to overtired.
does anyone know what i need to tweak to get better settling/sleeping?