Author Topic: Anyone given up trying to extend?  (Read 6322 times)

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Offline Ellie-Leo

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2008, 18:55:42 pm »
Hi ladies

Like KathrynK I just wanted to add another positive experience to the mix. Leo napped for 45 mins from 7 weeks, which changed to 30 minutes at about14 weeks. I KNEW he was not OT for various reasons. I had originally had some success extending the 45 min naps by holding down through the jolts but this would work for a week, then not for a week, then again etc etc. It was helpful, but unbelievably stressful. ONce he went to 30 mins, it never worked again.

Anyway around 5 months, we started to get longer naps, but only ever really at lunchtime, so we tend to do a Gina Ford style day (unfortunately LO cant go without the catnap yet so I tend to AP to fit that in - usually the pram). I am scared to jinx things by saying this, but on the whole if we get the A time right and he's not ill (which unfortunately is q often being in "cold" season), I usually get one really decent nap a day, which is enough for Leo, witha short morning and afternoon one. Once we started solids at just over 5 months, things got even better - Leo had never been a brilliant milk drinker, I think because of his reflux,so for once he has been full, and with something heavier. The other thing that tended to help him sleep, before we got established with the solids, was massage!

None of this might be any help, but I just wanted to let you know that not all babies respond to extending naps, and that for some it's simply a developmental thing- which is partly  a reason why I know Leo wasn't OT. That being said, it did nearly give me a nervous breakdown at the time simply because every day revolved around fitting in extra little sleeps! I think that's why for the most part he STTN, only on those days where he had enough sleep (which early on meant 5 or 6 30 min naps!!) Hideous at the time!

Hope things improve for you all xx

Ellie x

Happy to have breastfed DS1 for about 8 days, and DS2 for 8 months. Tried my best both times ;)

Offline Mashi

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2008, 18:59:22 pm »
Ellie - I'm glad to hear your success, and this week I've started being a bit more "regimented" aka Gina Ford style - a bit less cue-watching and a bit more "it's nap time, you WILL sleep NOW!"   Not fully, but somewhere in the middle of BW and GF.  I'm having a bit of luck, I have to say.   I the past three days I have managed to extend 3 naps, and one nap just extended on it's own -- I tried and tried and TRIED to wake him and he just kept falling asleep (little pest!) can be done!!!!

Offline walker1229

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #62 on: December 04, 2008, 01:46:43 am »
heres my question, my lo takes cat naps do you just keep a schedual where you plan cat naps or schedual regular naps and just adjust every day? I am trying to restart implamenting a EASY and he is a HORRIBLE sleeper at night and a cat napper.

Offline lilflav

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #63 on: December 04, 2008, 02:16:09 am »
I knew she was not going to have cat naps so I planned for all her naps to be 30 min.   Of course every now and then we had a long nap and I adjusted for that, it made me confused a lot as to what to do, but we worked through it.

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #64 on: December 04, 2008, 14:22:21 pm »
Walker, looks from your pic like lo is stll very young.  You could just plan for easas, and that way whether you get two shorties or a longie, ds will eat at approximately the same time.  I'm finding that short naps started to be more of a "schedule" (if one can call it that ::)) problem when the 4 hour (2 sleeping, 2 awake) started.  At that age they're old enough to go quite a while on a 45 min nap, but not long enough...  If I were you I'd write down sleep times for 4 or 5 days and plan feeds around what usually happens.  For a while we had 3.5 or 4 hours in the daytime, and 2 hours between the last couple feeds because he just couldn't stay awake long enough etc, so you might not be able to go "by the book", but we all know our lo's didn't read the same book we did!  ;D  HTH  :-*

Offline Elke

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #65 on: December 04, 2008, 16:58:31 pm »
Okay, so Babybarr is right in informing me that in all fairness I should tell everyone I weaned the paci from my DD of 3 months and she immediately started taking at least one great nap each day of 2 hours!!!! :o Here is the link if anyone is interested.

She will however not be resettled when she akes from her short naps, of which we had 3 plus the catnap, so I don't even bother. She just gets ticked off and so do I...

Mammina to Aurelia & soon to come baby boy!

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Re: Anyone given up trying to extend?
« Reply #66 on: December 04, 2008, 19:32:20 pm »
Mine doesn't use a paci either (never did like it!) and she has one good nap a day too, usually 2-2.5 hours in the am, so I count myself lucky that I at least get that!
