Thanks for your replies! And for the cyber slaps
I wish I could forward them to the doc!
The more I think of it I the more p$ssed off I get... Feel like she's really not taken this seriously despite our family history of allergies. I'm not sure whether to try for a second opinion from another doc/ped, or to go alternative. I've been helped immensely in the past by a naturopath, who discovered food intolerances and deficiencies that were making me really ill. The traditional docs hadn't been able to help me, but this woman did. I spoke to her today and she says she does take children too, so that might be a way forward. I shouldn't really eat dairy myself, but have been cheating a lot lately, so maybe me and Lois should do 'no dairy' together for a while and see if things improve for us both???
It's just so frustrating when you have a gut instinct that something is not right and you get no support from the medicals
Also I'm going to speak to my cousin whose son (and DH) has lactose intolerance, and see if she has any info. Really confused me when the doc said lactose intolerance doesn't exist in young children. How come he's got it then?? She said it's probably a milk protein intolerance, but I know it's not cos he drinks lactose free milk and yoghurt and is fine, but get s ill if he has normal milk. Aaarh! Frustrating!
Ok, rant over!
Good to be amongst you guys who knows what it's like
Just read your reply as I was about to post Wendy. I'm so glad I have the support on here! And hearing how you had to struggle to find out what it was, mostly on your own too, makes me more determined to not give up and listen to that doctor.
She never has soy actually, so don't need to worry about that. Have avoided it since DD had the bad reaction to formula at 3.5mo as read that milk and soy allergies/intolerances often go hand in hand and never reintroduced it with her solids. I think given that history (that she projectile vomited, got a rash and diarrhoea from formula, twice (second and third time we ever gave it to her) makes milk very suspicious, and I can't understand why this doctor wouldn't listen to that
Aaaaargh again!
We have both fortified rice milk and fortified oats milk here, so might try that with her.
Thanks all sooooo much for being there to talk to!!! You are great!