I'm posting to get info for my sister-in-law, who I've tried to help but can't think of anything more to tell her and was hoping you all might have some ideas. She has a 4.5 mo son who is practically an angel baby (I'm jealous!! haha) and has pretty much slept well up until the last week or two. They went for a visit to her family's and when they got back his days and nights were all screwed up. He goes to bed around 4am!! And then sleeps until 11-12pm. Wakes to eat and goes back to sleep for 2 more hours before he is up for the day. Then he naps about every 2 hrs for about 45min-1hr until about 4am the next morning. This has been going on for a bit and she's very tired and doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know much about BW so I've tried to give her some info, and she also doesn't have internet. He's breastfed, and does just a bit of solids, not much. He's happy practically all the time, and usually wakes from sleep happy. He's never had an early bedtime though, typically 10pm. He's also nursed/rocked to sleep at least 50% of the time, and sometimes he goes to sleep on his own.
So I've given her lots of advice. I've stressed EASY routine, teaching him to go to sleep on his own, and an early bedtime. I suggested she start treating days like days, and not let him sleep but to get him up at 7 or 8am to get him back on track and then put him to bed early. She tried this, and believe it or not, couldn't get him to wake up!!!! Yes, I don't believe it myself, wish I had that problem! Anyways, she started at 7am and tried every hour for a while until 11am. She turns on lights, TV, sits him up, everything. None of it worked. So today I suggested she tried to back track on his bed time by putting him to bed an hour early each night until he was going to bed at a decent time. I don't know what else to tell her, and not even sure if that would work.
So what do you all think? Any ideas? Anything would be appreciated! I don't know how to help her. Thanks.