Have you eliminated the "hidden dairy"? Like the items in food that is dairy, but doesn't say it outright? Like Casein for example? Have you eliminated soy as well? Babies who cannot tolerate dairy most likely cannot tolerate soy either.
Here is a list of the names dairy and soy go by:::
Avoid foods that contain any of the following ingredients:
*artificial butter flavor
*butter, butter fat, buttermilk
*caseinates (ammonia caseinate, calcium caseinate, magnesium caseinate, potassium caseinate, sodium caseinate)
*cottage cheese
*half and half
*hydrolysates (casein, milk protein, protein, whey, whey protein)
*lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate
*milk (derivative, protein, solids, malted, condensed, evaporated, dry, whole, low fat, non fat, skim)
*rennet casein
*sour cream, sour cream solids
*sour milk solids
*whey (delactosed, demineralized, protein concentrate)
*brown sugar flavoring
*caramel flavoring
*chocolate, milk chocolate (cocoa butter is ok)
*high protein flour
*natural flavoring
*Simplesse A "D" on a product label next to a "K" or circled "U" may indicate the presence of milk protein
Avoid foods that contain any of the following ingredients:
*shoyu sauce
*soy (flour, grits, nuts, milk, sprouts)
*soybean (granules, curd)
*y protein (concentrate, isolate)
*y sauce
*textured vegetable protein (TVP)
*tofu ingredients
*hydrolyzed plant protein
*hydrolyzed soy protein
*hydrolyzed vegetable protein
*natural flavoring
*vegetable broth
*vegetable gum
*vegetable starch
**Studies show that most soy allergic individuals may safely eat products containing soy lecithin and soybean oil