When Abbi was young age suffered from terrible sloppy poo and awful stomach pain. She was diagnosed as mpi and started on nepcate. She also couldn't tolerate soy. Over the last year we have introduced hidden dairy which is ok in small quantities, but recently its made her tummy bad so we took it away again. Now she seems worse than ever, distended tummy, the runs like five to seven times a day, and on dairy she has the runs more. She also gets a terrible rash around her bum and private area if she has too much. Since we took dairy out of diet recently she's been upset a lot, and tonight she could not walk right, she was clutching her tummy and saying ow and walking slowly and bow legged with a bloated tummy. I don't know what to do next, how to figure things out, GPS seem so dismissive and say things like oh she may grow out of it. Even on nepcate, although she was happy, she still had sloppy poo, but dietician said it was ok as long as she wasn't it pain. Sorry if this sounds muddled. Has anyone elses child been intolerant to anything else other than dairy and displayed these symptoms? I can't get the image of her walking in pain this eve out of my head. Feel so sorry for her. If anyone has had this kind of thing please could you share what kind of route you went to solve this? Thanks so much, again, sorry its muddled I am using my phone so can't see what I have wrote properly so can't edit it! Thanks x0x