I feel like I'm in limbo land with regards to my DD eating solids.
She's currently 11 months, and she has a very varied diet since I make all of my own baby foods. Up until recently, she has eaten pretty much anything and everything I've put in front of her, but lately she's been refusing both the spoon and lumpy vegetable purees. (She's better with the fruit purees.) I'm a bit confused about this because she does eat finger foods and has experience with lots of textures, so I'm not sure why she's refusing her lumpy purees. She eats chicken, eggs, all types of meat as long as they are really small, bread, cheese, crackers, steamed soft veggies of all kinds, noodles, cheerios, etc. BUT, she only eats the finger foods if I feed them to her by hand. The only finger food she will pick up on her own is cheerios.
Unfortunately, she doesn't really eat enough finger foods to fill her tummy. She looses interest in them after a while because they take longer to eat (especially since she only has two bottom teeth), and gets fussy in her high chair. At least before I was able to offer finger foods first then "top her off" by offering her purees, which she would eat until she was full. Now she doesn't want the purees or the spoon, even though she's still obviously hungry. She has started to clamp her mouth shut and shake her head when I offer her the purees. If all else fails, I can offer her fruit purees, which she will usually eat, but I am trying not to give her that too much because I don't want to reinforce her obvious preference for sweets.
I was wondering how other moms transitioned their kids from purees to eating only finger foods? And at what age did you stop giving purees?
Or am I being overly concerned here? It's hard to know that line when DD is my first baby!