I started EASY on Monday this week with my 6week old son. Our major issue with him is meltdown evenings, which have got better recently - he's a very windy baby and I'm pretty sure it's not colic but overtiredness so really wanetd to start a routine to help him sleep better in the evening.
We've been trying to stick to feeding every 3 hours and doing the sleep training, but I'm having a few issues. I don't want to sudenyl stop EASY because I'm worried I'm already confusing my son, his life seems to becoming more and more miserable.
Monday went well in terms of three hour feeding - was taking about 40mins to help him settle to sleep on average, I think I just miss all his tired signs (if he has any). He settled after we did our bath and bed routine at 8pm, did a dream feed at 11pm, he slept til 3am then til 7am - perfect!
Everything has gone wrong since Tuesday, I don't know what I'm doing right or wrong anymore - I know this is going to take time but am just worried that it's getting worse before getting better. His natural rhythm is more or less 3 hours, but in the last 48 hours he's barely slept more than an hour (we had screaming meltdown all Tuesday night and he was just wide awake all last night), I'm worried I've inadvertently made him start to switch night for day and whereas even though we would have screaming evenings til after the 11pm feed, he would then sleep happily til 2 or 3 then go back down quickly and easily til morning, now he's just awake constantly.
I'm worried I'm trying to do too much at once with him - maybe I should just be concentrating on his sleep training and beyond that continue to let him do what he needs and wants to do - if anyone has any advice I'd be so grateful