Hi - my 3.5 mth old does not like to be put down to sleep and as a result naptime and bedtime are turning into a complete nightmare. He rarely naps for more than 30 mins in the day and as result gets overtired in the evening. Each time he is put down to sleep he screams and screams until he passes out with exhaustion. All the recommendations I have read in the BW book seems to agitate him further e.g. swaddling, shushing, even being there in the room with him (which is dark and has blackout blinds). He will not take a dummy. I'm a second time mum (first baby took to EASY like a duck to water) and do not go rushing into his room the first time he stirs but I hate seeming him so distressed.
At night once he is asleep then he will sleep for over 12 hours with a dream feed somewhere in the late evening, so I am not having a really bad time but actually getting him to go to sleep is extremely stressful and must be very unpleasant for him.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't have acid as he doesn't have a pain cry when I put him down and he isn't sick after feeds. I think he just needs help to get the hang of self soothing and I was wondering if you had any other tips?
Thanks in advance