Author Topic: 2 1/2 year old screaming after naps  (Read 929 times)

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2 1/2 year old screaming after naps
« on: January 02, 2009, 00:32:43 am »
My DS will be 3 in march and wakes from naps screaming for me to come and get him.  He was definately a touchy/grumpy baby and would cry and cry before going to sleep as well as when waking up---was never one to wake and play in the crib.  He isn't doing it going to sleep any more but wakes up screaming for me to come and get him.  I know it's a lot because it's just what he's used to.  But he's also old enough to understand when I tell him not to do that.  I have tried to tell him I will not come and get him and will hold him when he comes downstairs (he LOVES to be held---would all day if I would let him).  But this leads to an average of an hour of screaming and crawling down the steps as if he is in extreme pain and just cannot do it (if you can imagine the drama!)  He takes a longer time to undevelop habits in general and I think this would work after a week or two, but the problem is I also have a 4 year old and a 1 year old napping at the same time.  I don't want them woken up if they're still asleep.  And I've explained to him that this is why he can't scream when he's done---it's not being respectful of other people.  Any ideas?  Again, this is not a new development but just a habit that needs broken.  I know he's not waking up tired or anything, he's taken great naps ever since he went to one nap.