I am looking for some advice about my 8 month old who keeps waking in the night.
His routine is
7am wake up
7.30 breakfast
9-9.30 sleep 1-1.5 hrs
10.30 210ml milk
12.30 lunch
1.30 sleep 1-1.5 hrs
3.30 210ml milk
5.30 tea
7.00 bed
He is a very contented and happy baby but wakes up every night, usually between 2 and 3 am and takes about 1.5-2hrs to settle back to sleep. He has a good bedtime routine and settles down easily to sleep. He quite often has filled his nappy in the middle of the night which doesnt help but I have tried every way possible to resettle him quicker but nothing seems to work. He starts cooing and playing which then turns into really long winging type cry with occasional cough. He will sometimes go off to sleep in this time but is awake and crying about 10 minutes later. Eventually 2 hours later he will go to and stay asleep.I am not having any problems with daytime naps.
Although I can't set my watch by him is the 2-3 window an indication that it could just be a habit in which case I will try the wake to sleep technique?
I have returned to work now and relly could do with some sleep. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any advice for a newbie