Author Topic: 8 month night waking  (Read 940 times)

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Offline clarebearbaby

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8 month night waking
« on: January 08, 2009, 18:46:29 pm »

I am looking for some advice about my 8 month old who keeps waking in the night.

His routine is

7am wake up
7.30 breakfast
9-9.30 sleep 1-1.5 hrs
10.30 210ml milk
12.30 lunch
1.30 sleep 1-1.5 hrs
3.30 210ml milk
5.30 tea
7.00 bed

He is a very contented and happy baby but wakes up every night, usually between 2 and 3 am and takes about 1.5-2hrs to settle back to sleep. He has a good bedtime routine and settles down easily to sleep. He quite often has filled his nappy in the middle of the night which doesnt help but I have tried every way possible to resettle him quicker but nothing seems to work. He starts cooing and playing which then turns into really long winging type cry with occasional cough. He will sometimes go off to sleep in this time but is awake and crying about 10 minutes later. Eventually 2 hours later he will go to and stay asleep.I am not having any problems with daytime naps.

Although I can't set my watch by him is the 2-3 window an indication that it could just be a habit in which case I will try the wake to sleep technique?

I have returned to work now and relly could do with some sleep. Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any advice for a newbie



Offline annemarie2001

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Re: 8 month night waking
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 15:20:44 pm »
hi does sound like its a habit now, although what are you to do if he fills his nappy! its a tough one.

do you think he is waking because of this, what happens if you just let him try to resettle himself without going in at all, i know logan started sitting up and crawling around this age and that's when he started waking at night.

Offline bombedier

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Re: 8 month night waking
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 16:45:56 pm »
Are you feeding him when he wakes up?  His milk intake (whether nursing or formula) sounds really low to me.  I am wondering if it is hunger if he is not getting fed when he wakes at 2am.

My 7 month old recently started to be really awake around 2am too seeming to want to play, but we are rocking him back to sleep at the moment (he's still in our room, so tough to leave him and listen to any fussing or crying).

Offline clarebearbaby

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Re: 8 month night waking
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 19:09:28 pm »
Sorry, I forgot to add that he has another 210ml bottle just before bed. He has milk in the morning on his cereal.

I usually don't feed him when he wakes unless he is unwell and has been sick after his tea (when he has a cold he gets very congested and when he coughs he sometimes empties his stomach). I used to give him a bottle when he was smaller and he would usually drop straight back to sleep. But I don't think it is hunger as he does evetually go back to sleep and will then sleep until about 7am.

I try to wait until he is crying before I intervene but I am frightened about waking up our 3 year old if he makes too much noise.

it would just be nice to be able to settle him in less than the 1.5-2hrs that it is currently taking.

Offline annemarie2001

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Re: 8 month night waking
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 20:05:33 pm »
it must be a whole different ball game if you have another lo you do not want waking up as well.

hopefully someone will be able to help you, i'm a first time mum and my hv advised i went in stand there so he knew i was there and then walk out and keep repeating getting longer and longer between each interval, dont know if that is something you could try or not. 

good luck let us know how you get on x