Hi Charm and Bethany,
You both mentioned that it's not uncommon for LOs to have a slightly later bedtime (8/9-ish) - which is definitely the case for my LO. If that's the case could you give me some tips as to how to structure his naps, particularly the early evening one?
Yesterday night he woke 4 times! I think it must've been because he was OT in the day; his napping was all over the map yesterday:
E/A 7:30-9:10
S: 9:10-10:50 (i woke him up)
E/A 10:55-11:10 (yes - 15 mins)
S: 11:10-12:20 (he actually fell asleep in his bouncy chair)
A: 12:20-1:50
S: 1:50-2:20 (showed tiredness cues; I put him on my bed while I was drying my hair and the next time I turned around he had fallen asleep!)
E/A 2:20-4:00
S 4-4:30 (in stroller; was out running errands)
A 4:30-5:30
E/A 5:30-6:30 (so a total of 2 hrs A time between last S and this next S)
S 6:30-7:10
A 7:10-8:20
E 8:20-8:40
S Put down at 9pm
Then starting at 10pm he woke up intermittently like, 5 times, between 10pm and 7am. (at around 10, 10:30, 11, 2, 4:45)
Night feeds at 11:40 and 5:10
I think the NWs last night might have been because his afternooon naps were so poor (only 2 30-40 mins ones. At least that's what I hope...because it means we can do something about it today, hopefully!)
Right now we are on 7 feeds per day (5 feeds before 8pm, 1 at around 10:30/11 and one in the middle of the night, usually between 4:30 and 5:30). He has 4 proper EASY cycles before bedtime (after the 5th feed he has chilled out A, and then is supposedly down for the night). How should I deal with the nap that comes after the 4th cycle?
I'm still on a mix of Babywise and BW in terms of the routine - feeds every 3 to 3.5 hours depending on what else is going on that day, and then watching for tiredness cues for nap time.
Charmie: I have thought about just watching cues and no clock for a day or two, but would you advise that I still abide by the principle of not letting naps be longer than 2 hours?
I think he seems to need about 4.5 to 5.5 hours of nap time a day, so I'm not quite sure how to distribute it across the four nap times given how the last nap is in the evening. Any thoughts? E.g., Nap 1 being 1.5 hrs, nap 2 being 1.5 hrs, nap 3 being 1.5 hrs, and nap 4 being 30-45 mins or something?