Hi Wendy! Sorry to hear you haven't felt well :-( Hope you are getting better!
First of all, TERRIFIC it is nearly gone for Tyler! Just using the cream from the allergist, aquafor, and being careful about dustmites is doing the trick? We have an air cleaner that is running 24/7 in his room.
Perhaps it is environmental. We just cannot shake it. It will look a little better in the morning, and by evening it is back to the same old. His arms are getting worse, as it has spread further down towards his hands.
We haven't gone to an allergist; our pedi just thinks it is kp. I'm not sure. I guess the only place to start may be there.
I really don't know what kind of a turkey it was on Thanksgiving. I am terrible with meat, as I am a veggie myself. As for the turkey he had just recently, it was from a natural food store. Antibio and etc free; it had the least amt of other things in the ingredients. Boy, was his gas bad both times. We actually called the phone nurse it was so bad at Thanksgiving. He started a cold the same after Thanksgiving, so hard to tell if there were any resiratory issues that were related. He also started a cold with this go around, too.
He is drinking milk/alimentum. He has a number of wakings in the pm after going to sleep. We thought lovey related, but perhaps he is waking and then trying to find them to get back to sleep. Two nights ago, I did only oatmeal/banana. No wakings early. Last night I tried the same thing, and it was the usual. So, I started to think maybe there were other foods that are maybe causing reflux or allergy issues. He used to do terribly with tomatoes, but have added them back here and there. Seemed per usual with the small wakings in the evening; like I said, they are regular.
I could try the humidier again; it was so hot in there last time. Of course we used it full blast, lol. So, turing it way down may help.
Thanks again gals!