Hi there. Usually LOs aren't ready to drop the catnap until they can handle 3 hours of A time. It looks like maybe your DD is getting about 2 hours 20 minutes for her longest A time of the day. And after a short nap, the next A time should be shortened to compensate so she won't get OT. I wonder if she's OT or UT after that short nap mid-day? Is she happy upon awakening or crabby?
Most LOs her age can handle 2.5 hours of A time or so. So what I would do is actually increase that first morning A time a bit, maybe by 10-15 minutes. If she gets a good nap, then the next A time could be a little over 2 hours and then again, if she has a good nap, the catnap would be 2 hours later.
What do you think?
I agree that if her naps are changing, she's trying to tell you that her sleep needs have changed and 2 short naps are not as good as one long nap. But if you just skip the catnap then you'll have a really early bedtime and potentially a problem with OT.