Author Topic: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods  (Read 2756 times)

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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2009, 14:24:51 pm »
Just found this tip in a magasine: While you do your chores in the kitchen (cooking, washing up, etc.) place your lo in the high chair and offer fingerfood (slice of carrot, apple or cookie) as toys to play with while she's watching you this will encourage self feeding in an informal setting. Apparently a lot of babies associate meal times with being fed rather than eating themselvs and will be more willing to try self feeding during activity time.
best of luck!

Offline Emma-Rose's mom

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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2009, 04:55:35 am »
Wow! Thank you everybody for such the wonderful advice.   :D I am definitely going to give it a go. I like the idea of introducing finger foods as play activity. DDs pretty good about holding cookies, teething biscuits, and such, and most of the time, she's eating these things as "snack" or during play or even in her stroller.

Her birthday was on Sunday. She didn't even want to hold a piece of the chocolate birthday cake. You would think she would be all over it! But, like usual, she just withdrew her hands away from the cake.  ::)

But, on a positive note, she is self feeding herself waffle bits when I offer the waffles in the palm of my hand, but if I lower them on her tray, she still refuses. Funny how that is...

I figure she'll eventually get it. But all the tips have been great! I'll be trying them all. Thank you.

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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2009, 08:15:19 am »
I agree that if they can play with the food as well they learn about it. DS gets some weetbix and sqiushes in his fingers, takes a bit of restraint to not get in there and clean him up   ::)

Giving a snack while you work is a great idea. DS has his dinner at 5:00 ish while I prepare the rest of the dinner and it works well. Because I don't watch him (only to turn around and check he's not choking) it's easier to ignore any mess.

I do that with DD too, she wants to 'cook for real' and I give some ingredients to mix etc. I put it all on her little yellow table and then walk away!!!  If I don't I can feel myself getting annoyed that she's spilling etc. but if it's after the fact it's not so bad. Plus she is learning how to pour accurately and practicing how to mix on her own.
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2009, 04:43:48 am »
Well, DD has decided that she will pick up blueberries herself. Yeah!!  ;D  ;D

Funny how she decides what to pick up and what not to pick up. She has always loved blueberries when I've blended them, but she's never seen whole blueberries until today. I offered them to her one at a time, and skept picking them up and popping them in her mouth like it was no big deal. When I offered more than one at a time, though, she started slapping them with the palms of her hands and she had blueberry mess all over herself and her clothes.  :-\ I guess her clothes are permanently stained. But, I was happy, nevertheless about the progress. She's also decided that waffles are okay, and she is now picking those up, too.

Now if only I can get her to pick up her own peanut butter sandwich, or pause...dare I say it... her vegetables? Better not push my luck, and take it one thing at a time.  ;)

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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2009, 08:51:04 am »
Yay for the blueberries! Stanley was exactly the same way (starting to get better now): 1 berry at a time, otherwise they turned into a plaything. I think at this age they're really starting to figure out categories of things - what things are 'food' and what things are 'toys'. Blueberries were a big turning point for us. From there I could offer him ripe pear (another favourite) cut into blueberry sized chunks. Then cheese (again, blueberry sized). He has just always been more into using his pincer grip than holding a big piece of something.

If DD will hold cookies and waffles, you could try expanding from there too, into say, bagels? toast?

Good luck and well done on the progress, this weaning business really tries the patience.


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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2009, 02:45:05 am »
Well, we've had a very successful day today. I think we are passed the big hump.  ;D  ;D

DD started out the morning picking up blueberries and even chunks of potatoes that I had cooked up for breakfast. She also had some waffles, just for some extra practice. Then throughout the day, she also was given various crackers, all of which she picked up and was munching on very happily. (These were the same crackers that she had refused so many times before!!) She has discovered that her front teeth are good for biting.

She also picked up a spoon today and was trying to dip the spoon in her purees. She didn't get much into her mouth, but it was funny to see her dipping and lifting to her mouth. The spoon, was of course, never in the upright position, but that was fine. It served more like a lolly today with it just barely coated with whatever she had dipped the spoon in.

Thank you so much for all of your help. I really think that she is finally getting the hang of it and will start being more adventurous with her choices of foods.

Offline anna*

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Re: Need help getting DD to self-feed finger foods
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2009, 09:14:13 am »
Fantastic!!  ;D Stanley is still reluctant with messy foods but like Ella Rose is keen on learning how to use a spoon. Since turning one, he has become way better at feeding himself finger foods and is eating more 'grown up' food from a spoon too.
