I think it sounds ok to me and if he's happy then I say leave it be - all babies are different and suit different routines. I don't see the point of changing it just for the sake of it. Our routine is:
milk at 7 then solids at 7.45, then milk 11, then solids 11.45 and finally milk at 3 then solids at about 4ish, with last day feed at 7 and DF at 11. Seems like she's eating all the time but we've gotten into it now!
I personally think 6 months is too young to be having bits and I'd wait another month before you give lumps to him. My DD is nearly 6 months and she definitely isn't ready for lumps yet. If you do want to make the transition, try giving thicker purees for about a week and then introduce a few lumps but not the whole thing lumpy and see how he goes.