Hey Clare!!!
Well, Luke is 10.5 months old now....here's our sorta routine:
Wake up around 8:30am, will drink a 6oz bottle. Wants breakfast right away (solids).
Goes for nap around 10am-12pm.
Eats lunch (solids).
Naptime around 2pm-4:30ish.
Will have 6oz bottle when wakes up, sometimes before nap...just depends.
Supper 5pm, solids.
Bottle 6:30ish. Bedtime 7pm.
Night waking around 3am, will drink a full bottle.
Yes, yes, still getting up at night for feeding. He has slept through the night about 4 times in the past two weeks, but never consistent. He has 8 teeth already and is now walking, I think that has alot to do with the night wakings but I'm working on tackling that right now.
Anyway, hope that helps. Take care, big hugs to you and Finn!