I have a 19 month old baby who was a colic baby until 6 months. He drinks whole organic milk daily, he eats ok. He loves TV because he has a older sister who watches tv only about 30 minutes a day but we have decided to cut that out, we feel like he is getting obsessed over it.
Our little man goes to sleep around 7 to 7:30 at night and we have a regular routine of bath, reading books and sleep time. He sleeps till around 6:30-7:15 AM.
The problem we have now is his naps they are so inconsistent and since we have a 3 year little girl we probably have not worked enough on them. He will only sleep around 45 minutes to one hour a day, only one nap. I think this is just habit for his body to wake early. My 3 year old sleeps the same at night and has at least a 2 hour nap during the day.
We don't know if we should do the pick up put down or what. I did the baby whisperer with my first child with everything.
I really need help, I'm going crazy with no me time!!!!!!!!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!