I can't figure it out, I stopped giving him my boob. HE fights and fits and fidgets and he used to refuse his bottle he only wanted the boob and a few nights ago I got him to take the bottle and he drank 120mls so he is hungry, after that I should get him back in bed sometimes it works sometimes I fall asleep while I am feeding him. I think he is just so used to us he wants to be in our bed. But he hates it there he really fits and fidgets and throws himself around. He will sleep when I put him down, but then he is up an hour later sometimes 1/2 hr later. I feel like one day it will come together but I am so tired. I am sure if I was able to commit to keeping him in the crib all night for 2 or 3 nights in a row he would be done with it, but by 2 or 3 sometimes I am just wiped right out. Getting him back to sleep os not a problem, keeping him asleep is. LAst night I had every intention of waking him before hi woke and sure enough he cut me off at the pass and woke up 1/2 earlier than he usually does. argghhh. If you saw the 1st post we had problems with tongue tied and feeding him was of the utmost. I am now trying to see this sleeping situation like the feeding situation. WHen I treat it like that my mental state is a bit better. I know we are slowly getting there. Getting him off to sleep at 730-8 is doing the world of good for his big brothers to have me to themselves for an hour or so. It seems like the never ending saga but I try to remind myself where we were a month or so ago. Thank you everyone for your support