Hi girls,
My 9 month old baby eats solids very well by now. he pretty much eats whatever i give him... except for eggs. he used to eat them just fine. I also stopped giving him milk products, because although he ate them and loved them, it seemed to us as if he was having a hard time falling asleep since we started, so we're trying to take a break and see if that's the cause.
Which leave me with the question above... I give him cereal (with veggie/fruit juice) or oatmeal with a fruit for breakfast, then rice/pasta/couscous with meat and veggies for lunch, and for snack usually a slice of bread with spread (unless we're out and i have nothing prepared, then he gets baby cookies or something like that). then for dinner it was usually yogurt and egg or egg with veggie, but now he refuses the egg no matter how i serve it. I always end up giving him bread again, and fruit... but i'm not sure it's the right thing to do...
any ideas what i can give him instead? i know eggs are important at this age, and should be given even daily, but he really just wont take them...