Yeah I'm only doing PD because P/U has never really settled him, he just gets angry. last night I tried it 2 times when he was really distressed, but it didn't help, so I won't be doing Pu, just PD.
Here is my typical and most recent routine for the day...
Up at 6:40 plays in crib till 7 then BF by 7:10
A time (crawling around, playing with toys)
8:00 Breakfast of Solids (fruit and rice cereal)- this was added this week as I thought the NW was due to being hungry.
A time
Am Nap around 9 or 9:30 usually sleeps for at least an hour maybe an hour and a half
11:00 BF
A Time
1:00 Lunch of solids (1 veggie, 1 fruit)
A Time
2:30 ish PM Nap usually for at least an hour and a half or 2 hours
4:30 BF
A time
6:00 dinner (1 veggie 1 fruit with rice cereal)
7:15 start beditime routine
5 or 6 oz bottle (also added this week in case he's not getting enough from BF)
usually asleep by 8, 8:15 at latest.
Nap routine wind down (pull shades in room, put on music, change diaper, sit in rocking chair read a few books, Cuddle for a minute then put down in bed. if Stand up, PD. yesterday had a super hard time with naps, but today fell asleep on his own after 1 PD and walk out)
Bedtime routine is similar. bath (if bath night), dim lights, music, lotion, diaper, jammies. Read couple books if not too tired, nurse or bottle, cuddle on shoulder, usually too tired,and i don't want him to fall asleep on me so PD and he's been falling right to sleep without issues)
I don't know if he's not getting enough to eat, is 4 nursings enough at this age? I added a solid meal, but cut out 1 Breastfeed. Added the formula before bed thinking he might be hungry.
maybe A Time need to be tweaked.
I'm open for ideas.
I know he's really attached to me, and has a hard time when I leave the room in the night, but I don't want him getting used to me being there for him to fall asleep!
Thanks for any help!!!