I tried W2S but it didn't really work, I only did it for a few days, couldn't bear getting up at 2am only to then be woken at 3am. I just introduced the blanket with a head, I think its called a comforter, its only a small bit of material with knots tied in each corner, it couldn't smother him (even though he does like putting it on his face which is slightly worrying!!!). I just started to take it everywhere with us, and kept giving it to him at every opportunity for a few days, he's really become quite attached to it - whcih is good as he is starting nursery in a few weeks as well.
I maybe should try w2s but am not sure whether my wakings are habit. He woke last night and downed 4oz at 3am. But then on other nights he's slept through or gone back to sleep with dummy. My stance now is he if wakes before 4am i feed him, as if I don't I just get more night wakings - like every hour. If he wakes after then I fend him off with paci and he suually goes to sleep. I am presuming an earlier waking is genuinely hunger butreally am not sure.
he's really reducing his amounts at dream feed as well, will often only take 2oz, think because I am weaning him. But then he wakes hungry but I can't get him to take more.
As you can tell, I don't really have a clue what is going on!!!!