Author Topic: routine backward -wont take bottle when wakes  (Read 566 times)

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routine backward -wont take bottle when wakes
« on: February 23, 2009, 12:57:16 pm »
 My Darling little man is 19wks old has two teeth and puts everything in his mouth he has been sllepin through the night for the last 5-6 weeks he will not dreamfeed his routine is backwards

Its begining to be a real struggle to get him to eat as he is getting tired when he will eat that he is figiting and movin head from side to side

Wakes at 6ish gurgles and goes back to sleep till 6.45-7.00
Up at 7am (will not eat or will take 2-3oz)
7-8.30 Play
8.30 Eat (5oz)
8.45 sleep usually on bottle

9.45 wakes
9.45-11.00 play
11.00 2-30z
11.15 Sweet potato and carrot 2 cubes
11.30 Bottle 3-4 0z and sleep

12.30 wake
12.30-2.00 play time
2.10 Bottle
2.30 -3.15 sleep

3.15 - 4.15 play
4.15 bottle
5.00 -5.45 Sleep

5.45  Rice and one cube pear
6.30 bath
6.45 - 7.00 bottle sleep

Daily Oz are between 29 and 36

Usually asleep by 7pm and sleeps through the night he never took bottle after waking but not is fighting all bottles any advise

Thanks in advance

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Re: routine backward -wont take bottle when wakes
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 20:52:53 pm »
Hi and welcome to BW website.

What size teat are you using?  Do you think your lo could be ready for the next size up teat?

Could your lo possibly still be teething?  May not be ready to cut another tooth, but they could be moving up in his gums?  Have you tried rubbing some teething gel on his gums a few mins before a feed, to see if this helps at all?

Does your lo have reflux at all?
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline lmsj

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Re: routine backward -wont take bottle when wakes
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 01:19:17 am »
I started replying and then my laptop ran out of battery power - argggh!

My LO sounds a lot like yours and they are around the same age. Same thing with his head and crying and fussing while he eats.  My DS does have reflux, but I was hoping that it wasn't reflux-related. He also won't eat after he wakes up, only before sleep - which works for us because it means he gets a chance to digest without any movement.

Do you have any suspicions of reflux?  Some babies aren't even spitters - they call it silent reflux.  Check out this post if you're wondering:

Maybe it's an age thing or maybe he's ready to move on to a faster flowing nipple.  I tried different nipples sizes, and the best thing that has worked so far was expanding the slow flow with a needle. Fast was too fast and slow was frustrating - there isn't medium for our bottles :(.

Another possibility is that he is tired while eating and can't decide what he wants more, sleep or eats.  For my LO I have been really trying to feed him before he gets tired - sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.

Good luck and let us know how it is going.

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