Hiya. I've just weaned my one year old. It's heartbreaking and i cried lots but i really wanted to do it and am starting to feel better about it now. I can have a glass of wine in the evening if i want and hubby and I are planning our first night away without our dd in a couple of weeks!
I think you just have to go for it. You've done really well to do it for this amount of time and you are completely justified to give up now. I started by giving up the eveing feed first and replacing it with a bottle (i decided to go for the bottle as i thought a sippy cup would be too much). After one week i dropped the morning feed and replaced it with a bottle. Two days later my breasts were pretty engorged so i gave her a breastfeed in the eveing. Then i gave her a breast feed 4 days later as my breasts had become a little uncomfortable again. That was 2 days ago so we'll see what happens.
Just do it in your own time and when you feel ready. Try not too get too upset in front of ds and give him lots of cuddle to make up for it. My dd has hardly complained at all and actually gets excited at the sight of the bottle now!
Good luck! Emma