Author Topic: 11 months old - I'm ready to wean her off the breast  (Read 731 times)

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Offline Lovejoy

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11 months old - I'm ready to wean her off the breast
« on: February 26, 2009, 10:47:16 am »

I want to gently wean my dd2 of the breast for bedtime feeds firstly, I'm giving her a beaker of formula before bedtime (she may drink2-30z) but she needs me as her top up/comforter before bed bed.  How should I do it without causing her too much upset.

I breastfed my dd1 until she was 13 months, but she was very adapatable to everything (bar sleep!)

I will be sad to stop nursing her as  I LOVE it, but I don't want to make it harder for her and also I want to stop too

Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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Re: 11 months old - I'm ready to wean her off the breast
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 23:26:13 pm »
{{hugs}} It really does seem to be harder on the moms!

There are many different ways to go about it - have you checked out the weaning thread for some ideas?

I'd say maybe try to change up the bedtime routine so that her milk is not right before bed.  Do it earlier in the routine and leave something else for right before sleep - lullaby, snuggling with a stuffed animal and you, that sort of thing.  Some people also find it helps to have the father put her to bed for a few nights so that she's not really expecting the breast.  Would that be an option for you?
Mother to Megan and Samantha