My LO is 16 weeks and we've done the dream feed at 10.30 since day 1, however, its not always when he's asleep- my dh does the feed and he often ends up waking LO so that he feeds. The problem is LO is very hit and miss with these feeds. Some days he'll drain his bottle, others it'll take an hour to get jjust 3/4 ounces into him, in which case he wakes up throughout the night! He eats 5 ounces at every feed and is on a 3 hr easy.
My question is this- is he too young for us to remove the dream feed? I suspect he's not currently drinking enough and we'd have to up the ouncage per his daily feed, but is this possible? Has anybody done this, and if you have, does your LO sleep through from 7.30 til 7?!