Author Topic: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?  (Read 1276 times)

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Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« on: February 13, 2009, 04:49:54 am »
My son is EBF, and 9 months old. We are at 4 BF's a day, 3 solids. No NW's, no DF.

I have to go on a business trip next month, and will be away about 2 full days. I'm giving (or having someone else give) a bottle of breastmilk a few times a week in preparation (I think it had been over a month since his last bottle feed. . . I want to make sure he'll take one before I'm gone!). I've got a decent stash in the deep freeze, but with thawing now for bottle feeds, and the amount he'll need when I'm gone, I'm paranoid about losing my stores!

I hadn't done any pumping for quite some time, and the last few times (since learning of my trip two weeks ago) I've tried have been efforts in frustration. One time I got an an ounce and  half after about 20 mins, another time an ounce, less than half, and tonight, pretty much immeasurable (so little I dumped it rather than keep). I have a double electric Medela pump; was able to pump at least 4 ounces in about 10-15 minutes when I was doing it regularly (but it's been months. . . . )

What the best route to get back to effective pumping, so I can at least replace the bottle feeds he's getting now? I can't seem to get a let down. Do I just try at the same time every night? (Day time's not really an option; although I work from home, I don't have time to add a twenty minute session to my work day in addition to time I spend now on BFs w/9 mo, putting him down for naps, visiting with my 2 1/2 year old who's w/nanny during day while I work. . . .).

Complicating factors. . . he may be close to dropping a feed. . . plus I'm 13 wks pregnant w #3. . . all probably effecting supply.

Any advice welcome!

Proud mom of Joshua Alexander, born 06-09-06
Samuel James, born 05-12-08
Maggie Jean, 08-15-09

Offline jana224

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 04:55:19 am »
Truly what works best for me, and I only nurse 4 x's a day, is to pump first thing in the morning when DD wakes to nurse.  I pump one side while she feeds on the other, and I usually get a good 6 ounces or so.  It doesn't take me any longer than it takes for her to feed, so no extra time factored in.  Pumping any other time than when she's nursing take FOREVER, I get no letdown for several minutes, and once I do, I only
pump a couple of ounces. 

Worst case scenario if you can't pump enough:  your LO gets formula for two days and you pump just enough to relieve yourself while away.  Not so bad.

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 17:12:55 pm »
I agree, pump while brestfeeding it's so much easier!!

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 17:23:50 pm »
Good advice about pumping during feed.  If you want to add a time to pump, I'd suggest regularly doing it at the same time a df would have been (10 pm or so).  Or if ds does drop a feed, I would suggest that you not drop it & pump instead.  Your body would already be used to producing for that time, so it might not take as long.

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 17:40:50 pm »
Things to try to get more when you pump:
- pumping at the same time every day
- have pics of your LO to look at to help promote let-down

My suspicion is that your supply is dropping due to the pregnancy & not because you aren't responsive to the pump any longer.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 17:55:23 pm »
My suspicion is that your supply is dropping due to the pregnancy & not because you aren't responsive to the pump any longer.
My supply took quite a dip about that time when I was pg with Isaac, too. 

There are herbs that can also help, but I hesitate to recommend them, as I don't know if they're compatible with pg.

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2009, 14:02:59 pm »
I'm also suspecting the pregnancy is the culprit.  Were you planning to continue to breastfeed through your pregnancy and maybe tandem feed?
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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2009, 03:59:40 am »
Thanks so much to all of you for your advice and support. Sorry it's been so long for me to reply: I work from home online and sometimes the last thing I want to do is turn my computer on for personal use. The suggestion to use formula from Jana was kind of a "duh!" moment for me, why didn't I think of that?  :) I've continued to try pumping (only off and on, I know I'm not helping my case), very unsuccessfully. (For the life of me, I can't figure out how you pump while feeding--I must have positioning, mechanics all wrong! :-[)

My latest trauma is at Samuel's doctor's appointment earlier this week, he had dropped weight (from 19 lbs to 16 lbs 7 oz). While there's a chance of a number of issues (weight may have been wrong at 6 mo appoint--he'd gone from well under 40%ile at 4 mo up to almost 70%ile at 6 mo--seemed rather shocking; he likely just went through a growth spurt in length, etc.), the doctor wanted me to add formula (10-16 oz/day) and bring him in for  weight check in a few weeks.

I'm sure I've had a drop in production given the pregnancy (almost 16 wks now); but I'm so devastated by adding formula. I knew as soon as we added regular bottles, he'd start to prefer them (and that's already apparent). I wanted so desperately to make it to 12 months without formula, and BFing had been going so well w/Samuel compared to my older son, Jack. I'm upset, too, that the first (and only) suggestion from the doctor is formula, formula, formula, with absolutely no suggestions on how I might try to increase supply while pregnant. But, of course I added it--the combination of guilt of Samuel losing weight and the guilt of no longer only breastfeeding is HORRIBLE for a pregnant person. I think I could weep at the drop of a hat today.

I guess the good news is I won't have to worry about Samuel taking a bottle while I'm gone. Little consolation! I'm wondering whether I'll need to even drag my breast pump along. . .  Last night, DH gave Samuel a bottle for his last feed (I was with our toddler, who was having meltdowns from missing a nap and having spent the day at daycare for the first time), and when I pumped immediately after the two munchkins were in bed, I didn't even get 1/2 ounce. I know Samuel's getting more than that when he nurses, but come on! I just can't get that letdown with my pump.


Thanks for at least letting me vent.

Proud mom of Joshua Alexander, born 06-09-06
Samuel James, born 05-12-08
Maggie Jean, 08-15-09

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 07:03:48 am »
I know this is little consolation to your hugely hormonally driven feelings, but you still have another chance with #3 to BF until they are one
(((Hugs))) hon.  I know how hard this must be for you.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2009, 15:50:55 pm »

I used to get nights when I'd get 1/2 oz after 30 mins.  :(  The more stressed, the more it works against you too sometimes.

Adding to Deb's{{{{ hugs }}}. Vent vent vent as you need.

Offline writelydivided

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2009, 02:42:39 am »
Thanks much for the support. I've decided to make my peace with pumping (meaning, not bother!). The stress was definitely a factor.

Thankfully, the morning and night breastfeeds are now going very well. I was worried he'd drop those right away, but after a few rocky times, we've now had a few very good days. I hope it continues, and that my trip out of town for a few days next week doesn't interfere (I will drag the pump and use it then; how sad if I actually get a good session that I'll have to pump and dump). I think I have enough frozen milk to have daddy give the night/morning feeds with breastmilk the days I'm gone (two nights, two mornings). 

So, two BFs, two 7 oz bottles of formula during the day (he drinks about 6). . . . Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can hang on to those two BFs for a few months.

Proud mom of Joshua Alexander, born 06-09-06
Samuel James, born 05-12-08
Maggie Jean, 08-15-09

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2009, 12:45:42 pm »
Fingers crossed  ;)

Offline Canwi

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Re: Trying to start pumping again. . . advice?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2009, 17:06:26 pm »
Got everything crossed for you Rachel.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d