[I apologize for the multiple postings today. I just feel overwhelmed and instead of doing one large post, decided to post on appropriate boards...one step at a time, right?]
I've been reading a lot of the archived posts and re-reading the book. It seems that at 6-7 weeks, my son should be able to go 2.5 to 3 hours between feedings. He is exclusively breastfed. For a few days, it seemed like this was working. If not exactly 2.5 hours, pretty close (within 10 minutes or so). For the last few days - since Monday - he's been screaming and crying at 2 hour-mark. I can't tell if this is a growth spurt - it's supposed to last 48 hours, and we are on day 4. Today, he could barely make the 2-hour mark. He was ready to nurse at 1 hour 50 minutes.
He usually nurses only for 10 to 12 minutes. If I try to prolong it, he does that bounce-on-off thing that the book says means he's done. If I force him, he starts crying, which the book says is the overfed cry (I liken it to a drunk weeping in his beer). He seems calm and satisfied after 10 minutes. And he's been doing this and 2.5 hours without a problem before this week.
I check the diapers. I see if he is bored. I try to put him down for a nap. Nothing. He roots and he does this really sad cry I've come to identify as the "I'm starving to death!" wail. Should I give up the 2.5 hour mark and just let him nurse more often? Just assume that it's a long growth spurt? I feel so drained that I am afraid for my supply.
Until Monday, I was easily pumping 6 ounces. Not anymore (I go back to work soon. I need that extra milk) with the increased nursing.