Hii, here's his routine...
E 7am Bottle
E 8AM Solid
S 8.45-9.00 for 1.15-1.30 mins
E 11am Bottle
E 12pm solid
S 12.15-12.30ish for 1.00-1.30 mins
E 3pm Bottle
S 4-4.15ish for 45-1 hour
A Bath started at 6.30ish
Bottle around 7-7-15pmish
S 7.30pm ish
All this depends on his sleep but this is roughly a typical day. He struggles to staty awake after his maorning meal any longer than 1.45, this is really his max awake time for this slot. the other times od the day, he can stay awake for around 2 hours give or take 10 mins.
Any thought or advice would be greatly appreciated!!!